Friday, September 21, 2007

Reach Taiwan

we reach Taiwan finally after taking 4 hr 30min flight..."tang tang tang...." picture of F4...hehe...i crazy about them as well when i was 18 :p

in Penang airport waiting for flight to Taiwan

8 Sep - i woke up very early in the morning as i wanted to check if i bring all those necessary things to Taiwan. the most important thing - passport!!! we were in the airport 2hours before the departure...these are those pictures that we took in the airport and on the plane..kakakakaka...we took China airlines (i dont like China airlines..sorry.... but that is the only airlines that provide direct flight from Penang to Taiwan)

for the past few mths... has been a long long time tht i did not do blogging...where have i been? no idea...really no idea...busy..but that is an excuse for the people who is lazy...lolz

well well well, i just back from vacation - Taiwan. i went to Taiwan for vacation..planned for it two mths ago. i have about 1000 pictures from Taiwan...non-stop photo that you know i like to take photo...hehe...capture the moment that i am happy and review it from time to time...since when i like to use "...." so much...ermmmmm...again...hehehe

for sure now i gonnna share my pics from Taiwan or you can go to
ninajumbo - a name given by R..somehow, up to some point, i do agree...kakakakak..Nina Jumbo..luckily he did not mention about elephant or i will kill myself for so fat...ready? start the photo tour now!!!

the Lat3st me with my new toy - mickey mouse

it's me with my new toy - mickey mouse...i like it so much......this is a present from sweet of him..i wonder why he knows that i like this...hehehehe...thk you very very much...i hug it every nights...